Office cabinets and desks with long stories…

These cabinets (aka “ World HQ”) :

wpid2002-Office-Cabinets015.jpgneed to go on this wall :


Across the room from this desk :



That was hauled out of this drugstore’s trash in the mid-1950s :




2 Comments on “Office cabinets and desks with long stories…

  1. Love the mix of the old/prevenanced with the new. I saved a desk out of Penobscot Shoe Company that had been my grandfather’s, then my father’s, and is now used happily by my sister Candace in her home in Poland. The desk includes well-worn scuffs where my grandfather used to pull out a bottom drawer and balance himself with his foot when he reclined in his chair. Cool…

  2. When my Dad was 16 or 17, he apparently did cleanup work/odds & ends in town. The pharmacist who owned the drugstore hired him to clean out the basement of this building. Spent a whole day emptying out old bottles and things. He left the desk, but when the pharmacist came down the stairs, he pointed at the desk and told him “that needs to go too.” It sat in my Mom’s dance studio for decades and we got it as a wedding present. Still has the names of the Boston drugstores that they would call from Livermore Falls to get medicine. Very, very neat piece.

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