Porch Lights.


7 Comments on “Porch Lights.

  1. Your home is beautiful and your talents for storytelling are endless. I have really enjoyed reading through your blog and seeing the moments illustrated with your photos. A very belated congratulations on the completion of 7 Dash Landing and many well wishes in the years that follow.

    • That’s WAY too kind, but thank you. We really enjoy the end product. The path to get here wasn’t always easy, but we’re really happy with the end result.

  2. My husband and I have really enjoyed reading through blog. Your house is beautiful. I love the modern farmhouse style and the white house, red barn combination. I’ve looked at the house plans but I was wondering if it would be possible to know the dimensions of the main rooms: living room, dinning room, kitchen and bedrooms? My husband and I have started our venture of building a house and I’ve been doing a lot of research on the web trying to get an idea of the sizes of the rooms by looking at different pictures. It’s hard to visualize the size with just sketches. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences.

    • Vicki – Thank you for the kind words. We’ve promised our architect that we wouldn’t pass along specific room dimensions. The total house is 2,500 square feet. Feel free to email Rob at whittenarchitects.com.

      • I completely understand. Thank you for responding back.😊

  3. Hello Dash Landing Farmhouse-

    My name is Jake Sanders, I am an independent filmmaker based out of Austin, Texas.

    My apologies in the oddness of this inquiry, I’m not sure how often people reach out to you regarding this subject – I am currently in the early pre-production stage for an independently produced feature film. It is, essentially, a thriller in which a family is snowed into their countryside estate. In my research of locations, the Dash Landing Farmhouse came up and it is a perfect/ideal location for the setting of this film. I am looking for a secluded, modern, beautiful two-story home that is atmospheric in its country aesthetic, and powerful in it’s looming, natural presence. As such, this location has provided much inspiration, and I would love to reach out to you all regarding the prospect of filming on said property.

    I would be doing myself a disservice if I didn’t ask, but is there any preferable contact information that may could be provided for a more private correspondence? I would prefer to discuss details via email, if possible, so that I could provide more information on the shoot/story/production, rather than discuss the inquiry in a such a public manner.

    Thank you so much for your time, it is tremendously appreciated. Please let me know if there is any additional information I may provide, and I hope that we will keep in touch in the near future.
    -Jake Sanders

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